In this third tutorial on Making Comics with GIMP, we’ll cover how to make speech bubbles. Speech bubbles are an essential part of comics, and come in a variety of shapes and styles, most of which can be achieved with this relatively simple technique. . . .
In this third tutorial on Making Comics with GIMP, we’ll cover how to make speech bubbles. Speech bubbles are an essential part of comics, and come in a variety of shapes and styles, most of which can be achieved with this relatively simple technique. . . .
I’ve moved some relevant blog posts from my old site, to here. They contain some early sketches for The Raft that I thought you might enjoy. . . .
I’ve moved some relevant blog posts from my old site, to here. They contain some early sketches for The Raft that I thought you might enjoy. . . .
Open-source software is software where both the source code and the software itself is made available for free. It’s developed by a mix of individuals and companies, and anyone is free to extend, modify and generally improve on it, as long as they make their changes available to others. . . .
Open-source software is software where both the source code and the software itself is made available for free. It’s developed by a mix of individuals and companies, and anyone is free to extend, modify and generally improve on it, as long as they make their changes available to others. . . .
Below are a few fun homoerotic autostereograms, or erotostereograms as I like to call them, that I made for the Skeive Kunstnere 2009 art exhibit. . . .
Below are a few fun homoerotic autostereograms, or erotostereograms as I like to call them, that I made for the Skeive Kunstnere 2009 art exhibit. . . .