Below are a few fun homoerotic autostereograms, or erotostereograms as I like to call them, that I made for the Skeive Kunstnere 2009 art exhibit. If viewed correctly, the seemingly plain brick walls will pop out as three-dimensional homoerotic shapes. At the exhibit it was quite amusing to see how some people could see the effect right away, while others would stand there staring intensely for minutes, and only see a brick wall. The trick is to de-focus your eyes, and look through the pictures. Once you’ve learned how to, it’s not that hard.
As it was the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, which in many ways began the modern gay liberation, I decided to use different stone and brick wall patterns for my erotostereograms. Click on the thumbnails to see bigger full size images.
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Below are the depth maps I used to make the stereograms above. A depth map is simply an image where white is nearest to the camera and black is farthest away. They clearly show the motives used, for those of you that are unable to see the 3D effect.
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I used Blender, GIMP and Stereograph, on Ubuntu, to make the erotosterograms, all of which are freely available open-source software. If you’re interested in making your own autostereograms, check out my video tutorial below.